The Bowmen and other Legends of the War

Arthur Machen

Newyddion ffug?
Stori newyddion ffug o’r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf?

Mae’n ymddangos bod The Angels of Mons wedi cael eu creu o stori fer Arthur Machen, The Bowmen, stori a leolir yn ffosydd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf. Yn ei gyflwyniad i’r casgliad hwn o bedair stori fer mae Machen yn pendroni sut y gallai ei waith ffuglennol fod wedi dod yn chwedl mor anhygoel ac yn un a gredwyd yn eang…

This affair of The Bowmen has been such an odd one from first to last, so many queer complications have entered into it, there have been so many and so divers currents and cross-currents of rumour and speculation concerning it, that I honestly do not know where to begin. I propose, then, to solve the difficulty by apologising for beginning at all.

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Efallai fydd gennych ddiddordeb yn y teitlau hyn –

The Secret Glory

The Secret Glory

Arthur Machen

The Bowmen and other Legends of the War

The Bowmen and other Legends of the War

Arthur Machen

Rhys Lewis

Rhys Lewis

Daniel Owen

Enoc Huws

Enoc Huws

Daniel Owen
